me: i was just thinking that clearly hopefulness is the serum for murdes, or muertes of the old reptile's awareness ..perhaps we can think into existence, the
grand placebo, which will, ultimately, take life, as we
perceive it away by the implosion of Consciousness rushing through itself to the other side of Manifestation....and since all things are possible, ultimately.....the future is taut with probabilities for inevitable conclusions; nevertheless, even this observation does not make it so.....for this may be your dream that you think is part of the Human Unconsciousness, yet it may be but a conscious manipulation of the thought process and nothing more significant.....like psychedelic perceptions through the Mind's Eye, of that which is but a shadow of the Reality that is transmogrifying the insubstantiality of physicality, itself an illusion of the conscious Mind.....what do you think?
Sent at 11:46 PM on Wednesday
Ann: I think therefore I am confused.
Sent at 11:52 PM on Wednesday
Ann: I feel so much better since I gave up hope
I instead lust for shoes
me: thinking is clarifying.....confusion is unclarified thinking....hope has a way of dropping in and out, willy-nilly......fortunately, for me, she is a frequent visitor to the chatterbox cafe'.
that silly hope.........when she tarries elsewhere, we are always desperate to see her face again...
Ann: I intentionally muddle my thoughts to hide from them sometimes. Clarity is preferable but unattainable usually
Sent at 11:58 PM on Wednesday
me: i think about the thinking Process....more than the elements of emotion involved....then attempt to utilize the results of this rationalization and intellectualization to modify the way that i perceive those forces that model the clay of my Life as the perpetrators of my future..
Ann: I went to a cobb county alwyers party tonight. Very happy to be home on computernow. Met doctors and lawyers and their spouses. Not much hope there
me: those activies hold very little interest for me....i'm such an inward living persona, basically.
Sent at 12:01 AM on Thursday
me: any extroversion being but a velvet cloak for a more romantic, if a bit cynical adventurer within his own mind.
Ann: I am hiding from that as much as possible. too introspective. the overexamined life and psyche are not worth living . at least in my case
Sent at 12:03 AM on Thursday
me: it helps to examine one's life in the context of the lives of all others......it is a sometimes overwhelming proposition, isn't it?
Ann: i try to adopt Nikes motto just do it as my own but I procrastinate rationalize and surf the net instead
Sent at 12:05 AM on Thursday
Ann: I am analyticalto a fault so I muddle my thinking about people like h so I can create false hope
Sent at 12:06 AM on Thursday
me: if life is viewed only from the perspective of the observer's ego.....and i do not like to use that word......it cannot be viewed with any confidence that the vision of it is at all an honest one, remystified by the delusions of the will and it's frustrated lust for order in the miasma of chaos..........
and this frustration leads,inevitably to depression and dispair....
Sent at 12:08 AM on Thursday
me: then the mind has to trick itself into thinking hope has taken the reins of the runaway impulses and errant and irrational thoughts, sprung from emotional biases...
Ann: illusions
Sent at 12:09 AM on Thursday
Ann: i should give away my shoes and meditate
me: i think this whole realm of physicality is an illusion of mind, echoed , at every level of being.........and, ultimately coalescing the Universe into some manageable and pragmatic concepts that are probably just delusions of the frontal lobes...
Sent at 12:11 AM on Thursday
me: we just haven't had enough time for our species to catch up, having incorporated "thinking" into our arsenal of survival mechanisms......the Euglena has it down....avoids annialiatory situations without any thoughtful consideration and can manufacture food materials from light and chemicals found in its watery environment.......
Sent at 12:14 AM on Thursday
me: the euglena's life, to us, is rather pedestrian and unvarying, yet it survives without apparent thought about it's mortality of emotional condidion.......
Sent at 12:16 AM on Thursday
me: and look at us primates.......getting frustrated and shaking trees and peeing on one another's heads like those beasts that we consider our inferiors.
Ann: If sunlight is not available, it can absorb nutrients from decayed organic material. Euglena is also found in sewage systems.Euglena have a contractile vacuole which maintains the concentration of water and salts within the cell by expelling excess water. The name comes from the Greek words εὔ (eu) and γλήνη (glēnē), meaning good eyeball, referring to Euglena's stigma (also known as eyespot). Until the discovery of the paraflagellar body it was wrongly believed that this was the organelle responsible for the sensing of light. Instead it is just a small part of Euglena's light receptive system and its role is to shield light from the actual light sensitive paraflagellar body (PFB) But who would want to live in sewage if they thought about it?
me: fuckin' saphrophyte...!
Sent at 12:17 AM on Thursday
me: it has no sense of smell.....it just identifies the chemistry and electrical fields and reacts in accordance with its gene to survive and reproduce..........
i've knows some of our species that are not that complex......
i've got to retire.......my moonflower is folding.....
Ann: I think therefore i do n ot reproduceIm tired too
me: take your shoes off before going to sleep.......
i have a cousin that sleeps with shoes on.......