My paternal and maternal grandmothers, Opie and Flora and my stepfather's mother, Alma...called Bamboo....were all, in their youths, frecked-faced red-heads....what't the probability of that? All three had beautiful silver hair by middle-age, although Opie began to color her hair a coppery tone...late in life....This pic of Bamboo is the only picture that I have of uncle Mearle and aunt Lula, were coppery redheads also....two of my very best friends, now, are redheads, too......
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My paternal and maternal grandmothers, Opie and Flora and my stepfather's mother, Alma...called Bamboo....were all, in their youths, frecked-faced red-heads....what't the probability of that? All three had beautiful silver hair by middle-age, although Opie began to color her hair a coppery tone...late in life....This pic of Bamboo is the only picture that I have of uncle Mearle and aunt Lula, were coppery redheads also....two of my very best friends, now, are redheads, too......
Thursday, March 12, 2009

At age ten, i was in a terrible bicycle accident which caused shearing of the anterior frontal lobe of my developing brain......after this, it was determined that i may have had a lesion in the orbitofrontal cortex.....after I demonstrated, by my behavior, that impulse control was inhibited......the Gregory House Syndrome....Years later, after yet another brain damaging episode, in my middle twenties, i was unable to fare well on the Wisconsin Cart Sort, perseverating on socially established rules of behavior and exhibiting frustration and confusion when sorting out external stimuli that would affect modifications in responses or behavior.....and, since damage had occurred within the left brain, my mind was quicker to process negative emotion; consequently, i was compelled to channel more energy into the right lobe to balance the temporal lobe processes, even though i was taking the then experimental drug, encephabol, to counter my inability to process new memories, making me a loose canon, socially......such is Life!
Joseph Haydn - Masses by American Bach Soloists