Thursday, April 22, 2010


Sunrise.....I awakened to walk around the block, listen to spring bird songs and smell the flowers.......on my walk I picked up up a hundred cigarette butts, 4 empty cigarette packs, 6 beer or coke cans, a used condom, a plastic hair comb, a dozen fast food containers and a run-over cat body........reminders of man's insensitivity, carelessness and lack of consciousness........sigh!

Perhaps I am a bit fastidious, but it is difficult for me to praise our species, which seems to act not from altruism but from indifference, which is elevated to psyched concern only when it is fashionable......So, I seldom praise Humanity, choosing to praise individuals who consider Life from heightened consciousness and empathetic concern.......Our species acts benevolently only to undo that which it has already done. That is not to say, of course, that there are many, many of us who attain a level of shared enlightenment which supersedes the mass effect of our lemming-like flooding into the morass of dark misconception, and this gives me Hope. I feel the Earth move under it will, hundreds of millions of years after our extinction......

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