Adding to , subtracting from, and reorienting my 50 year-old 000-felt-tip drawing in the sketchbook that I tossed into the trash, a friend removed from the trashcan, then I tossed into a box in the garage rafters, then another friend salvaged from paper-eating bugs, then I scanned and repaired....then tossed away, yet another time.........evolves, or devolves, some updated meaning from new attentions to whatever I had originally intended....becoming whatever it is now.......retitled, from "Tongue-wagging journey" to "Imagined Tonguescape".........Nothing is ever 'finished'....the Editing will go on....and on....and on.....within the labyrinth of synaptic storage rooms where millions of ideas, images, thoughts and feelings co-habit some aging brain tissue.....So...I am burning the drawing to create smoke that, like the leavings of tea in a cup's bottom, it emerges from the flames...produce yet another source of inspiration, then vanish into the ether.......Or...just turn the page and flow some fresh ink!
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Monday, June 18, 2018
My stepfather, Tom, was secretive about his 'personal' thoughts and activities......He had a mistress for a couple of years, kept a deck of 'naughty girl' cards in his bedside lamp table's drawer, along with a copy of Lady Chatterley's Lover and a copy of his divorce papers from his first marriage, pinned to a cork board.......Unlike me, he would never....ever.....have put this photograph on display, anywhere.....Instead, he had a photo of his saintly, Presbyterian DAR mother, in an oval frame....which I have now....on the piano.......Tom was basically shy and humble, but he had fantasy fixations on 'naughty girls', and Kansas City....took me to a topless bar, where a chesty barmaid slipped me a sloe gin fizz, when Tom 'slipped' her a 'fiver'.....
Fleischerian Brainwash........ Bimbo, the first cinematic "Manchurian Candidate"....... Premise: when sufficient stress is introduced, just about anyone will develop a delusional, conciliatory escape mechanism, even though it may be but a "Catch 22"...This power of Propaganda can make green eyes pink and enemies of those who love and cherish us....AND produce the worship of dictators, revenants of old evils, new icons that are but Old Gods in disguise, and groups and sects that we are conditioned to believe, to whom we willingly subscribe, and for whom we relinquish both free will and subvert rational thinking.......
Sunday, June 3, 2018
Jocelyn Elders' Slip Into The Shadows of Repression
With a month of enjoyable self-stimulation ahead for the month of May, following the guidelines set by endocrinologist, Jocelyn Elders, who was appointed, by Bill Clinton, as the first African-American U.S. Surgeon General in 1993....(and who, incidentally, was subsequently fired by Clinton, then pressured by Right-Wing religious conservatives to quell Elders' suggestion that Masturbation should be taught in American Schools, that Americans should get over their 'Love Affairs' with unborn fetuses, recreational drugs should be legalized and that condoms should be made available to public-school teenagers.....Hands on your instruments, and in your body cavities, in honor of Jocelyn.....