Well....I was thrown out of a nightclub in Las Vegas, when I was 15, with my indulgent parents, of course, for watching (or rather, attempting to watch) The Folies Bergère, in which topless women in stiletto heels and feathered headdresses descended stairs to display their artillery.....The next day, I was shown gatling guns and grenade launchers at another entertainment venue in this decadent Nevada city.....with no interference....... so the message to me, then, was: Guns are good....buy some......but, please, no tittles, although It seemed as though these, too, were being seriously marketed.......I was also not allowed to attend a performance by Jayne Mansfield, who was playing a violin in a Mexican nightclub.......again...the 'breast' thing...so I bought a cool set of guns with a red and white leather double holster, complete with white leather tassels hanging from silver stars.....All those lovely titties were also covered by stars with tassels.......So what was the message to a 9th grader? You guessed it!