Photo, taken at Backstage, 151 Powell St., San Francisco....Aug. 8, 1945.......Of My Uncle John Savage and 'Friend', returning from their participation in the firebombing of which, 100,000 Japanese civilians were incinerated by thousands of tons of incendiary bombs, hailed from American B-29's....just months before......The PTSD that resulted, after some 'thinking' about what had happened, finally 'got to' Uncle John, who became a hopeless alcoholic...dying young and disillusioned.....Upon their return 'from the War', as Gov't contracts with Redstone Arsenal were cancelled, whisky rations were doubled...... to permit two quarts per month in Huntsville, Alabama, for the newly unemployed and soldiers, now unemployable, due to emotional problems that resulted from their participation in The War......after which......the sales of shotgun shells and other 'ammo' people 'readied' themselves for the 'next war'....soon to come, in Korea.......