Sunday, July 21, 2024

Change less than 1% of our genetic makeup........we may become another type of primate...some of us are more 'birdlike'....others, more 'doglike'......still, we are most like chimps and other apes, aren't we?

The Self? as in the Ego?.....or the manifestation, in a temporal context, of the fantasy of some uniquely singular expression? Largely, I view and interpret human behavior as being not dissimilar to that of other creatures of similar genetic architecture and social disposition.....expressive variations are not as distinctively unique from this context, wherein thought constructs and vaster philosophical theorizations usually follow the ancestral customs of humanity's subsets.....incomprehensible variations being rejected, as sameness is reinforced by minimal chromosomal recombinations

Monday, July 15, 2024


not a day goes by that i don't miss Steven. his death has transformed my existence and my perspective on Lives that continue to perpetuate themselves outside his presence in their lives. all has changed forever. a sharp pain persists in my chest...that his presence had masked with his own.

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Friday, July 5, 2024

long I am...between a pair of 'Gattis'......Mother and Uncle Paul, who was but 6 years my senior......

  By the way, I have thousands of old 'family' photos, spanning over a century, since there were several generations of photographers in the clan......Most of the photos have suffered the deteriorations of Time, and have required countless hours of 'photoshopping' scratches and decomposition of substrates.....Nevertheless, there remains .....thousands of 'negatives', many with serious 'damage' that have yet to be 'printed' or scanned to disk for later preservation......I've posted many of these, after 'clean up'....on FB....more to come, when I have the time and motivation.......including some ambrotypes and Daguerreotypes, that were in old folding cases.......many, alas, have no references to the names of the subjects in them.......after the early, lensless paper-veneered cameras became affordable, and photography more generally 'available' even in the remote farmlands......a plethora of fixed-pose portraits emerged.....some, fortunately, have hand-written information on their reverse sides....and later, some were sent, in postcard formats....with notes and messages...I'm cleaning and retouching many of these and 'storing' the images on my computer's hard drives.......some of the older acetate negative, alas, have 'stuck together' and have been suitable only for 'Art Projects', wherein the subject matter is more irrelevant, for some of my Blogs....such as this one...

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