Saturday, November 30, 2024



All the writing I've done in my life, placed 'end to end', would reach the moon.....but that was never an intentional destination.......There's never been a destination in my mind......I guess that's why my avalanche of verbiage never really went anywhere....strings of words are like pencil and ink drawings....they go where they go, often with no intention whatsoever......then another sheet of media begins the journey anew....Eventually, and hopefully, a map appears, in retrospect.....but the map is but a labyrinth from the unconscious to the realizable......So, burn after reading....or just file it all away for some academic scholar who may spend a lifetime assembling, reassembling and projecting meaning upon all this jargon.........It's all in the margins, after all......waiting for the reweave on NPR, in an interview with yet another academic writer, in a morning interview, with hopes...and copious footnotes....promoting their "Lives Of Others" posturing to the Drugstore's 'best sellers' rack, next to the cash registers...

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

 when overwhelmed by loud noises or several people talking at once.....I discovered, long ago, that the best thing for me to re-focus...replacing the stimuli to one sense to that of another.......especially on nearby sharply defined objects, which seems to muffle the edges of my diminishing constraints. Yellow, with green, is especially effective....... I think this is one reason that I became a re-focus on still, visual stimuli rather than endure I just was studying the cinematography of David O. Russell, becoming fixated on his "emotionally disasterous" scenes .....and all of his films have mountains of these: Perhaps I am delusional to even consider, or imagine, a World without dramatic inconclusiveness or desperate, competitive attention seeking.....detached, as David Clemens wished his world was, in his own mind, oblivious to the mixed metaphors of Reality, the outreach for connectivity seeming to always assume the posturings of children, seeking approval, then rejecting this for doubt and uncertainty...

Thursday, November 21, 2024



which I wear when in Laissez-moi mood........

Friday, November 8, 2024

I QUIT COUNTING THE DEAD, FOUR YEARS AGO..........after this sad list was made........and I stopped at "L" ...It was too depressing to journey to 'Z'...

 Jim Lancaster, Sonny Laughmiller, Linda Marsh, Larry McBride, Eddie Monks, Fredna Mott, Wilfred "Bushy" Mrazek, Sandra Myers, Antje Neubert, Ellis “Pete” Overton, Thomas Payne, Hans Palaoro, Arlen “Buster” Petty, Jody Pilling, Paula Price, Miriam Reynolds, Mike Rothe, Dottie Sayers, Hartwig Schulze, Charles Shannon, Don York,

"Sparky” Sparks, Linda Spier, Wanda Stewart, Billy Stevens,
Randy Sublett, Charles Taylor, Chloe Walling, Virginia Wilson, Craft Wood, Don York, Gerry Allen, Butch Anderson, George Apostolos, Jurgen Arndt, Lesley Ayers, Linda Barksdale, Larry Beach, Walter Bennett, Edwina Bibb, Cecil Bishop. Norman Bradley, Ronnie Bright, Dian Broadway, Janice Brown.........and even more, that had dropped 'off the radar" that I grew up with, went to schools, summer camps, college, dance classes, took basket weaving with, skated on Saturday mornings with, 'made out' at the 'drive-in' with, ran, swam, played hop scotch, tennis and badminton with, kicked the flag and stole the banner with, and graduated from High School with......are all dead now!.......I just received yet another 'uplifting' list of 'the dead' from our High School Alumni Leader.......I was going to "" out these 'kids' from the old Pierian High School Annual.....but thought better of that! How depressing! When we were 18, we all thought we would live forever.....alas, that was utter fantasy and denial, wasn't it?
Janice Brown, Lois Bruce, Yvonne Burgins, Jan Case, Gary Clark, Shelley Cotton, Linda Craver, Jane Crowson, Demeta Davis, Betty Dinwiddie, Mary Dogen, Pat Doster, Don Dudley, Patsy Emerson,
Pat Engle, Lyndon Faulkenberry, Camille Fleming, Pete Fleming, Jerry Franklin, Larry Fretwell, Marsha Futch, Charmion Hanson, Burt Hanvey, Harmon Hastings, Carolyn Herring, Patsy Hill, Sally Hill, Harold Kaspareck, Russell Kennemer, John Kinzer, Katherine Krempl, Kenneth LaBorde and Bob Lada........ all 'Dead' too!.... Just a few tough old birds, like myself, that are still kicking around....or just walking, or 'wheeling', or 'crutching' around......
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