Saturday, June 30, 2007


I saw, by the failing light of the low sun, stained mystical horrors, Illuminating long purple solidifyings, Pareils with actors of dramas and antique floods rolling to drown their shivers with shutters! I dreamed the green fairy night with dazzled snows, going up to the eyes of the seas with eternities of languid, oozing slowness, the circulation of the burning saps, And the yellow and blue awakening of phosphorus in the skies of dreaming. Then, time having obliterated all but these fitful memories, I lay on the beaches of forgotten expectations........

Friday, June 29, 2007


the underside of leaves speak in molecules of pure air
carrying fragrances of nearby worlds.
my widespread nostrils tip down
to hold the precious scents,
transformed, behind these tunnels
to an ancient brain, to thoughts
and visions held together
with silken threads of dreaming...

a great fish far in my brain
leaps with clouds of breath,
to bring old life to being;
before my seeing eyes
the clouds of sweetest smoke
forms the firmament.
imagination is contained and lost.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

From here, in a Moment, There.....

wheedled by the blue flower's mysterious fragrance,
i stepped the tips of the turning pegs
into a forest of azure birds
on verdant perches.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


although the photograph is not yet before my eyes, i remember it ^ ^. my bachelor aunt louise, round faced and enjoying the moment, between her love of 60 years, dollar...and dollar's younger infatuation of the season, the pretty-enough for dollar one.....the other two are dollar's gay brother, maurice, also my third-step-cousins, by the way, and his long-time companion, who's name will never return to my memory....... i have no idea why they are wearing feathers of wild german hawks, however......they are in munich, if you wondered about the unladylike portions of beer.

Dexterity Intelligence Quotient

can you tie a simple trucker's knot? here's how: secure one end of a rope to your first tie-down point, then make a quick-release loop between it and your second tie-down point.* now, thread the loose end of the rope through the second tie-down point, then back through the loop you just made, and pull to tighten..... once you've got the line as tight as you like, clamp down on the loop with your thumb and forefinger, then finish the knot by wrapping a section of loose line around the taut line and pulling it through..........if you wish to really lock off the end, simply wrap the new loose loop you created around the taut line and pull it through......however, you may prefer not to do this if you might prefer, at some time in the future, to undo the knot by simply tugging on the loose tail of line to unravel the whole package........ now, you try it!

* to do this, grab a section of the rope in your hand and twist it clockwise three times, then pull a section of slack line through it until you have a taut loop

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

You Asked About God?

GOD has just never been much of a

consideration......i do like to photograph

religious monuments; and provocative images

do elucidate a response from my temporal

lobe....and i did undertake an assiduous

examination of that part of my brain....but

found only countless and endless corridors of

suggestions planted by experience and

perception and growing in that vast expanse

like forking paths from the old brain, through

the new fields of thoughtful introspection....i

guess one makes a God if one needs to.....and

if not, one can always make art...... v...

Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Fall of the Universe

Has Man broken the fall of the Universe, through space?
Children see Eternity in the Stars,
Men see Eternity here in Time.
It must fall here, somewhere in adolescence.

Every Old Man has picked it up,
and telling the kids about it,
Never offers to show them.
Old Men die after hiding it away.
If the Universe shifts,
Will it fall elsewhere?
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