can you tie a simple trucker's knot? here's how: secure one end of a rope to your first tie-down point, then make a quick-release loop between it and your second tie-down point.* now, thread the loose end of the rope through the second tie-down point, then back through the loop you just made, and pull to tighten..... once you've got the line as tight as you like, clamp down on the loop with your thumb and forefinger, then finish the knot by wrapping a section of loose line around the taut line and pulling it through..........if you wish to really lock off the end, simply wrap the new loose loop you created around the taut line and pull it through......however, you may prefer not to do this if you might prefer, at some time in the future, to undo the knot by simply tugging on the loose tail of line to unravel the whole package........ now, you try it!
* to do this, grab a section of the rope in your hand and twist it clockwise three times, then pull a section of slack line through it until you have a taut loop
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