Belatedly, I finally saw the last chapter of Six Feet Under....At 63, I am old enough to feel the chill of death, hovering near my heart.......At first, the effect of the entire series was that of my reaction to the final sequence
of characters ageing and dying......"Life goes on, within you and without you" This morning I awakened to thoughts of
destiny, fate and free-will.....As the sun came up behind the bamboo forest, bringing the white clouds to life in the pale blue sky and the frosty air warming the winter birds to chatter and the squirrels to make their runs to gather acorns, I was lifted from my morose obsessions with death and dying....although we are but puppets of Fate and products of the interactions of our decisions and those of those with whom we share our destinies, we have the power to affect the meaning and significance of our presence in this world that is home.
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