Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009
8 seconds, both hands
crazed by the basement flooding, blue pen in one hand and black in the other, i scribbled my rage and frustration......pretty scary!
much calmer today, maybe I'll sketch Bunnie with my left foot........
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
altered dispositions

"the meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed." karl jung
we are attracted to our complimentary component......those who feel deficient are attracted to more, since their sense of inadequacy places them into a void into which everything rushes as to a vacuum or a black hole......
Already the sight, little by little, becomes detached
from its mounts which are left;
and my eyes, delayed by the fresh mountains,
from its mounts which are left;
and my eyes, delayed by the fresh mountains,
scour the liked ground, my heart, retained
in the context of its wounds,
after all the ground has disappeared.
after all the ground has disappeared.
I see, finally, the near-distant sea and sky......
Lucidity by Beth Quist
Saturday, September 12, 2009
"the meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed." karl jung
we are attracted to our complementary component......those who feel deficient are attracted to more, since their sense of inadequacy places them into a void into which everything rushes as to a vacuum or a black hole......
Already the sight, little by little,
becomes detached from its mounts which are left;
and my eyes, delayed by the fresh mountains, scour the liked ground,
My heart, retained in the context of its wounds,
after all the ground has disappeared.
I see, finally, only the sea and sky......
we are attracted to our complementary component......those who feel deficient are attracted to more, since their sense of inadequacy places them into a void into which everything rushes as to a vacuum or a black hole......
Already the sight, little by little,
becomes detached from its mounts which are left;
and my eyes, delayed by the fresh mountains, scour the liked ground,
My heart, retained in the context of its wounds,
after all the ground has disappeared.
I see, finally, only the sea and sky......

i thought you'd like some dark ditty grace jones video, but nyet!~ watch your balance....alkan/chopin....lewenthal/rubenstein...get my drift?.....the dark side possesses powerful polarities and dangerous juju...how fucking polonial of me...but i'm not lurking behind a velvet curtain...."whups!"....he says, slipping on the magic carpet......and flipping the interdimensional coin to the obverse.......caligula/K'ang Hsi ...let's get some pics of fluffy kittens and easter chicks.........how about some "tweety bird and sylvester" anime? i have a supportive hand....i know about the highwire......having suffered much damage in falls....once you've taken away the net, you're on...