Vadalna by Solace
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
WHAT DO YOU SEE? I'm doing a series of these abstract externalizations in a study of psychological therapy devices........
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I decided not to post this on my Cinema Nostalgia blog, for these scenes, ultimately deleted from the commercial release of MAURICE, yet another groundbreaking film about English repression,
inked themselves into my memories of college infatuation with "C.A.D." , for 3 years at Vanderbilt, was uncomfortably almost identical in my memory to these scenes. When I read MAURICE, years later, it seemed to me, very autobiographical.....
inked themselves into my memories of college infatuation with "C.A.D." , for 3 years at Vanderbilt, was uncomfortably almost identical in my memory to these scenes. When I read MAURICE, years later, it seemed to me, very autobiographical.....
Monday, February 15, 2010
At 6, i became aware of the variations in individual's interpretations of sensory information and how these variations from the mean create eccentrics like myself. A few years later i discovered that my eyes did not focus very acutely upon objects more than a yard away, although my close range focus was extraordinary. i was amazed, when my vision had been "corrected" by the intricacies of Nature at greater than arm's length. now that the world was "in focus" I continued to avoid interactions with other children whom i considered boisterous and undisciplined...and therefore.....unthinkingly dangerous and volatile creatures. it seemed that the surfaces of things were extreme and the depths unfathomable. of course, i did that time....either have the vocabulary to shape my thoughts in such a way that i could play back my interpretations or the confidence to believe that my take on what seemed to be happening around me could be any more "true" than the preconceptions of others that formed the context of my education in Life. I did not know about the sub-species called artists or those labeled intellectuals or those who lived lives as instinctual as those of birds. I was wary of the impulses that were genetically driven and that seemed to bypass ethical or moral considerations and wanted only to cast aside the predestinations of learned patterns of both perception and thought......But then....I was only 7 by then, and had only a few clues to go by.....
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Having acquired several new watches, a couple dozen DVDS and some silk ties that I will never wear.......I think.....

I've got to join "Collector's Anonymous"..........I was in therapy for OCD many years ago.......the problem seems to always lurk in the wings. Thoughts of getting a grip on this compulsiveness seem to take me even more in the "wrong" directions....That is the problem, of course! I have a friend who is constantly flossing, buying floss and fixating on the possibility, probability and likelihood of losing his teeth....the more he thinks about it, the more he flosses, irrigates, brushes and gargles.........When I think about his dilemma, i want to floss my teeth! Maybe something happened...something that traumatized me when I was just a thought in a love letter left in a back pocket and never sent!
Tin of Drum by Rapoon
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Pegasus draws a chariot into the clouds
I have not ceased to think of your plight......And, as thinking is all that I do well, breast that under consideration. Elevate, not as the result of your willful action as much as by the vectors of other's feedback, which changes with your thoughts and actions toward and with them........Be better; try to love the things others do that show their love for others, too; and practice writing skills and the art of punctuation, rhetoric and as close to all-encompassing devotion to the Truth as you can muster from the spoils of conflict and angst. This will take dedication of purpose and a will that is strengthened by rightness of purpose and whose purpose is the pursuit of the highest ideals by your most evolved thinking, against a primer of calm resourcefulness and an impulse from your most just and humble center, which will direct your decisions and thus....your fate and Future. Veristes
Kedarika - Nada Yoga (Volume 1) by Amelia Cuni and Werner Durand
Sometimes, It's just the Lighting

I watched American Idol this evening.
It seemed to be going just the way it could.
or just a way I knew it should;
yet either way of all it would,
I'm eager, that it's shed its peeling,
week by week to find that Icon.
Big Dipper by Drop Trio
Sunday, February 7, 2010

By 16, I was just gravitating from John Blaine's Scientific Adventure Novels and Classic Illustrated Novels, having read only "Lady Chatterley's Lover", then widely censored, and the standard fare such as "Penrod and Sam", Mark Twain's novels and Bomba The Jungle Boy Books......Then, on the coffee table in Dr. Czerny's living room, I came across "Ulysses"......the then impenetrable novel by James Joyce. I realized, at that moment, that there was much more than was ever dreamt in my Philosophy......Just reading pages at random were enough to set me off on my philosophical journey through Life and Living........ Viewing this painting, by Paul Cadmus set off other areas of my brain!