Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pegasus draws a chariot into the clouds

I have not ceased to think of your plight......And, as thinking is all that I do well, breast that under consideration. Elevate, not as the result of your willful action as much as by the vectors of other's feedback, which changes with your thoughts and actions toward and with them........Be better; try to love the things others do that show their love for others, too; and practice writing skills and the art of punctuation, rhetoric and as close to all-encompassing devotion to the Truth as you can muster from the spoils of conflict and angst. This will take dedication of purpose and a will that is strengthened by rightness of purpose and whose purpose is the pursuit of the highest ideals by your most evolved thinking, against a primer of calm resourcefulness and an impulse from your most just and humble center, which will direct your decisions and thus....your fate and Future. Veristes

Kedarika - Nada Yoga (Volume 1) by Amelia Cuni and Werner Durand

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