Sunday, September 10, 2023


 I awakened from several levels of Sleep, last night.....each awakening bringing evanescent associational REM-plateau semi-consciousness Tableaux that seemed to freeze frame, then coalesce with subsequential Mise-en-scènes.    Three 'episodes' were, momentarily, retained in short-term memory before being disassociativly re-submerged into the corridors and compartmentalizations of abandoned suppressions and indefensible rationalized and reassigned appurtenances; although, there were...surely....more, presently forgotten...completely... images, flashed for fractions of seconds, connecting, without will, other subterranean assemblages, too threatening to Ego, Identity and Confidence.....Even as I write these few words, so far, memory is being transformed, modified and re-integrated via Art Mindness, into a more edited, cinematic retention within the temporarily alloted grey matter that files, without processing or interpretation, these nightly fabrications  into synaptical pathways, within the electrical storm of Mind.....or imprisons them within locked arenas, for unconscious reinterpretation........

TABLEAU #1:   Giving my friend, now dead, Sonya Nickel, a ride home from a get-to-gether of old friends.....Sonya asks me to walk her to her door...which I do....then invites me 'in' for a Coke and a view of her rearranged armoire that has a tall mirror at its center.....A brief flash of a Scene from Cocteau's film, TESTAMENT OF ORPHEUS, flashes....interspersed with 'frames' slow motion,,,,of the current dream sequence, as Sonya, bent over and suffering from some  undiagnosed malaise. steps into the mirror, then turns, facing me...from the other side......wearing some 'stuff' from the armoire's drawers and hangers.....a heavy  aubergine silk-crepe blouse with a long 'tie' collar, a mid-calf early 1950's full-circle skirt and a wide, tight belt with a monogram buckle, "SDN"........

I  AWAKEN, with a startle  response

TABLEAU #2:    I did not 'jot down'  any notes, after, alas, any memory of this dream that was 'so clear' just fifteen minutes ago....has vanished.....completely......I hope that this will re-emerge from the Caverns, after whatever my brain is doing with the  dream detritus  ......

I  awaken, another time.....anxious that the dream is, already, a fast-flying sparrow....carrying my primal being in its beak, as material for building its security nest.....and I am left, juggling thought balloons  on a thin trapeze wire, stretched between the moment before and the moment next.......Was 'this' the dream sequence of  TABLEAU #2, already edited and re-scripted?        

Must I type in  "PEMUAC"  to re-enter the Associative Dreamworld, even after discovering that my own dreams have become indistingishable from the tens of millions of images from 'Real Life' and tens of millions of  Movie frames....

1 comment:

vaporcloud said...

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