Friday, September 13, 2024


 I returned from a summer in Fayetteville, Tennessee, where I had dressed as a Choctaw Indian with bleached platinum hair for 'Indian Dancing' around bonfires at Dunroamin Camp......Returning 'home', my mother was 'just over this'.....and, immediately, ordered me to 'get in the car', then ordering me to the Rexall Drug Store to get some hairdye to restore my 'normal' hair color......Pissed off at being 'ordered around'....I was 12, after all....I purchased 'Black Rage', returned to our house and dyed my hair 'jet black' shown in this photo......the next day, I was 'ordered' to Wildma's Beauty Shoppe, to have my 'natural color' restored.....after all this processing, my hair 'came out'......Green! A few days later, I watched a late 1940's movie on 'the tv'......'The Boy With The Green Hair'....and felt that, now, I was....again....making a 'Statement'...which was, after all, my original intention.......'Why don't you want to look like 'other boys?', Mother asked.....My reply....I remember...."Why do you dye YOUR hair to match the color of your horse's......'Chestnut Brown'?" The next year...I was a 'redhead'.....Hey! 'worked' for Lucille Ball!......

Saturday, September 7, 2024


 All that's left of my old 'Veristes' is a half century old photo......the 1300 pages of 'material' has vanished from its Server, in the Glut Of Zen's coursing toward the Oblivion of Mindless Interaction........ I hold the ubitiquous 'SmartPhone' responsible! Or was it just the shallow waves of FB, Twitter....and all the other short-attention shenanigans of grey-matter convolutions...folds, mirroring the neurological sameness of ubiquitous mediocrity? Even the occult flaming squid and even..gasp! The Silentious Subgenius:

Friday, September 6, 2024


Rex's  reward for submissiveness....My Grandfather, his dog Rex's constant companion,  would toss that 'extra' biscuit the dog's way, as Rex rolled over to his back, beneath the dining table,  tail wagging, tongue hanging out, drooling happily,  satisfied by his morning 'dog biscuit'.....  Hey!....I'll 'lay on my belly' too and submit to a tummy rub,...for my favorite morning food...and wag my ass......Once, I recall, I got on 'all fours' and whined, by my grandfather's chair......but only got some ridicule...and Rex, his paws wrapped around Grandpa's the biscuit! The "Moral" of this tale?"......Isn't it obvious?  The 'side dish' condiment was Sand Mountain Blackstrap molasses.....which was, then,  my least favorite thing to the known Universe! My grandmother would 'cut' a piece of the bitterish-sweetish stuff to 'have' with biscuits!.....Aargh.....I'm so grateful for 'apple butter' or 'pear butter' or just 'cow butter'....although, in retrospect, I've discovered that molasses and sorghum are 'better for you' certainly didn't 'taste that way', then!.....Just give me a spoonful of Vidaylin and a side of Geritol....and NOT in a glass of clabbered milk over crumbled corn bread.... please! Is 'eating four of these biscuits sufficient compensation for my childhood's 'slights'? I DID put a 'slice' of blackstrap on one of the biscuits......eating it, first, then the other three, laden with apple butter, to 'get that taste out'..........In 'grade school' my Class was driven 30 miles to Scottsboro, Al. where we were 'treated' to guessed it!  a big can of sorghum....... 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

 my pencils and pens only draw vagaries, lifting, only to await the next wave of expression...I've yet to draw any conclusions....and have only witnessed them in theory......finite conclusions are generally high fortified walls to open consensual conclusions that the world was flat were impedimental to what was thought to be a search for succinct Truth and wearing blinders and blind men's spectacles to explore the Cosmos, while simultaneously having decided what is being sought.....Yet, I place a period at the end of a sentence

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