just when i was making an effort to minimalize cynicism and suppress my critical nature, i was awakened by the first of many telephone calls...yesterday morning, around 5 a.m....
i cannot remember a day of my life in which i received so many calls........as soon as i hung up, another call came in.......finally, around 12:30, i turned both my cell and home phones OFF! this was NOT because i was annoyed by the plethora of calls, but because of the nature of them........EVERYONE wanted something of me.......One caller, who left urgent-sounding messages twice of my home phone and then on my cell, seemed very anxious......so i returned the call......this is what i heard: "I called you, but you must have been busy!" so i returned the call and heard, immediately, " What are you doing around 6:30?" a bit suspicious of the tone of voice, i replied "Whatever I like, i'm sure." then my friend "asked"...."I thought i would bring by the memory stick from my camera and have you photoshop and print the pics for me......and you could also make copies for some friends at work." Why did i find this irritating?
So, following my own New Year's Resolution not to be taken advantage of by my friends, i replied that neither the time or the project was suitable and offered my friend the rare opportunity to lug some boxes to the Goodwill tomorrow morning.......of course my friend declined, as this did not directly benefit that person.........I was asked to lunch....and went....to be asked if i had a "spare" DVD player that person number 2 could borrow......I was asked to attend 3 art openings in hopes that my eccentric and interesting personality would benefit either the gallery owners prestige or make the artists seem "cooler" by presenting me as "one of my very best friends"......I loaned another a sander that i will probably have to ask for the return of....that i had intended to use today.......i was asked to "loan" another friend some art and some furniture and was asked, by the same person, if i had a laptop that i could spare! this morning, another friend came by to use my washer and dryer.......during the wash, we went to breakfast......and i had to pay, since my friend "must have left my wallet on the dresser, at home"......this morning, i watched two young women picking flowers in my front yard and an itinerant drunk asked if i could spare some bucks......didn't this use to be "change"........and promised to come by "at a later date, of course" and pick up cigarette butts and debris tossed , daily, into my yard from passerby autos.......I was asked, in an e-mail......if i could "loan" some large plants to a friend who had killed the last bunch that i gave her......is "cynical" the word for how all this....and more, of course, that i'm too unmotivated to mention......made me feel? ...............i'm back......a neighbor stopped by to borrow my lawnmower..........the telephone's ringing........there!.......i unplugged it!
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