Sunday, April 29, 2012

Repudiative Enantiodromia, Anamnesis and Memory Transformation.....

 During a week of dark irony, I revisited GIRL ON THE BRIDGE,  a film by Patrice Leconte; watched both THE HOURS and  SYLVIA.......The dominant theme of all three films is depression and suicide....
the subconsious motivations.....or unconscious.....directing creative minds to behave in ways that the conscious mind realizes will ultimately result in inescapable despair and Death.   Often, the mania, creativeness and false-optimism of hysteria establishes a counterpoint, turning on a glance, a nuanced change of pitch or  subtle body language, which re-directs the inhibitory devices that have evolved to counter-assist the coping mechanisms, rendering the reinitialization of self-negation a worthless contrivance......Our subconscious terrors may manifest, channeled completely in Art,  Neurosis or Transformation...a reaction formation.....The theft of memories and the substitution of false memories compels the thief to reboot the ancient protocols.......Nevertheless, the Unseen will out repressed and subjugated motivations......even in subsequent generations of the chromosomes that have been modified by anxiety and hopelessness, even though these sad feelings had never become conscious.......

Patrice Leconte has a new film....still a bit under the radar......THE SUICIDE SHOP.......In which Leconte conjectures a world in which depression and despair are the norm, an into which a happy child is born.........

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