Sunday, February 10, 2019

Perspicuity In The Penumbra

Reading that the amateurish Sunday afternoon paintings...some irony there.....of Adolf Hitler, failed to 'sell' at auction recently......and considering.... that I could purchase the beautiful work,, , for tens of bucks.....and have other 'pieces' by its creator.....; that the manipulated photographic print,, just sold for $4,300,000.00 at a snooty Prestigious Auction........and that I just lined a kitchen drawer with my own "art" bottom....because it matched the plastic silverware drawer fulfilling some pragmatically practical purposefulness....Time to 'check out' the 'Art Scene" in Dubai! Last night, after an almost sleepless night, having consumed vast quantities of chocolate and coffee...too late in the lieu of deep, comatose slumber, phantasmagorical images, flirting with my semi-consciousness, left bits and pieces of scraps from my brain's 'underground' storage subterranean caverns, producing deliciously piquant moldy cheeses to mix with the morning's fresh fruit and French pastries..... The events of yesterday, fresh to the forge, coating and containing the effusiveness of interpolative memory, dislodged from their 'sticking place' before being 'filed away' with the billions of words and images that have yet to ascertain their value to my Waking Life.......

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