Saturday, November 28, 2020

On Re-Reading R.D.'s KNOTS .............

They are playing a game.
They are playing at not playing a game.
If I show them I see they are, I shall break the rules and they will punish me. 
I must play their game, of not seeing I see the game.

JILL I'm upset you are upset 
JACK I'm not upset 
JILL I'm upset that you're not upset that I'm upset that you're upset. 
JACK I'm upset that you're upset that I'm not upset that you're upset that I'm upset, when I'm not.

JILL You put me in the wrong 
JACK I am not putting you in the wrong 
JILL You put me in the wrong for thinking you put me in the wrong.

JACK Forgive me 
JACK I'll never forgive you for not forgiving me

There must be something the matter with him
        because he would not be acting as he does
                unless there was.
        therefore he is acting as he is
        because there is something the matter with him.


He does not think there is anything the matter with him
        one of the things that is
        the matter with him
        is that he does not think that there is anything
        the matter with him
        we have to help him realize that,
        the fact that he does not think there is anything
        the matter with him
        is one of the things that is
        the matter with him.
there must be sometime wrong with him 
because he thinks
there must be something the matter with us 
for trying to help him see
that there must be something the matter with him
to think that there is something the matter with us
for trying to help him see that
we are trying to help him
to see that
we are not persecuting him 
by helping him
to see we are not persecuting him
by helping him
to see that
he is refusing to see
that there is something the matter with him
for not seeing there is something the matter with him
for not being grateful to us
for at least trying to help him
to see that there is something the matter with him
for not seeing that there must be something the matter with him
for not seeing that there is something the matter with him 
for not seeing that there is something the matter with him

for not being grateful
that we never tried to make him feel grateful

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