Monday, August 21, 2023

"OPERATION PAPERCLIP"....ahem......make 'that' "OPERATION COVERUP"...... in the perpetual politics of Orwellian Manipulations of the minds of the Unthinking Masses........

Siegrid Debus Northcutt, aka Sigi Debus, sat an aisle away from me in 6th Grade at the new Blossomwood Elementary School's inaugural season.....A third of our Class were the children of German Scientists that were rounded up and either tried and imprisoned, or executed (or committed suicide) for 'war crimes' during the Nuremberg Trials that took place in 1945-46, after the Allied Defeat of Nazi Germany and Japan.....I, recently, looked through old 'class photos' from 1951-1963, that are in an old cigar box in my basement......and wondered 'what happened' to the German kids that came to America....especially to Huntsville.....who were unaware of their fathers/parents involvement in Nazi Germany.......Sigi, a beautiful young girl, always seemed sad and withdrawn when we were pre-adolescents....Later, after I became aware of 'The Factual, Real Story'.....I began to wonder about the unconscious aftermath of my schoolmates' having been 'raised' in the shadows of the Past......Later, studying Sociology and Psychology in High School and College, I would, often, churn memories....even 'looks' and 'actions' that I had not understood, during my naive Youth, which had been inculcated with the Propaganda Machine's Cover Stories that allowed for the 'as smoothly-as-possible' assimilation of once-criminals into the Pantheon of Great Scientists, World Leaders and Spokesmen for 'Democracy' and 'Freedom'......By '8th Grade', I wasn't 'buying' much of the I looked through the pages of The Weekly Reader and watched the Movietone Newsreels that were shown, every Saturday morning at the local intown movie theater, The Lyric.......Not much as changed, has it?   

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