Monday, January 22, 2024


....I recall trekking to the "Grand" Theater, which showed Universal International and 3-D films, to be amazed by this existentially philosophical movie..."THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN"...Even then, I was annoyed by its ending, that was poetic.....but the references to the 'God' stuff that 98% of American, especially Southern American, brainwashed youths bought into were irritating....even then.......After the film, I crossed the street to visit my Grandmother, who was playing on the sliding ladder of the shoe department of Becker's Store, to quiz her about the thoughts that were pumping from my frontal lobes to conceptual awareness........She replied, "Ask R.W." (my Grandfather} "He's probably thought about that.".......Not wanting to wait, I took out a nickel, jumped into a Westbound Bus and headed to my Grandfather's "Mop Shop".......finding him, labeling and shellacking maple handles......When I asked him my big question...."Can people be shrunken, and live...and where would they go after they're so small that they were undetectable?".....He pressed a pedal on the old, iron Industrial Revolution machine that he was tinkering with, and replied: "It's a big place....out there......." Wait....he was supposed to know the 'answer'......he was an old, sagacious man, wasn't he? He was probably my age (now)! And, what do I know? I listened, with him, to a transmission of Radio Free Europe blaring from his old 'console' radio.....totally uninterested......then walked to my grandparent's home to ponder the 'questions' that no one ever discussed, trying to engage my flippant Aunt Nell, who was visiting......

When my Mother picked me up for the jaunt to our home, I again asked a question: "What's left, after 'you' take out all the 'stuff'?".......She stopped the DeSoto at a Phillips 66 gas station, went into the office and brought back a milky way candy bar....halfing it with me.....then, finally, replied: "Where do you come up with these crazy questions, honey?".......Aaargh......I realized that no one seemed to think about the 'stuff' that was on MY mind........So, stalking our neighbor, Werner, walking his dog, I asked the same which he replied, in his thick German accent: "I'm not allowed to discuss such things.".....WTF!......Does anyone know what time it is? I got more science from Timemaster and Flash comics! Gimme some truth!

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