Sunday, November 7, 2021

AKA......"VERISTES"....... Nom De Plume for this writer.....Reed.....who actually does all the thinking...and writing....and Art... for him.........

Veristes is just a facet of an intricate equation.......naked in Thought alone......
.......Yet, there are those that have isolated it as a singular manifestation....and choose to love or do war with it! I am both flattered and annoyed.....z(n+1) = z(n)^2 + c wherein
"c" is x+iy, corresponding to any point on the (x,y) coordinate plane and the result of one calculation of the fractal equation, as this becomes the z input to the next calculation, ad infinitum, ad naseum ad exhaustion....This format for viewing Mind, expressed in the co-ordinates of imagined mindscape can be highly unsportsmanlike and makes the development of significant relationships a struggle of wit and the constructs of thinking fold back into the darkness of unexplored territory......bringing light, or awareness, to tissues, newly awakened to is inevitable that the reptile brain will be in the spotlight and forced, by coercion, to waggle it's tail, thusly twitting the dunes of the time-space continuum.....the sleeper must awaken!

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